Day 6: Continuing to work on my own convolutional neural network

Today I learned how to create a convolutional neural network in python. I used a framework called Pytorch to build the network. I set up the neural net to have three hidden layers. Each node on the hidden layers has its own weights and biases in order to give input to the next layer or provide an output.  In simpler terms a node places its input into a function to generate an output that is used for later nodes. The way a network learns is by evaluating it accuracy after each prediction and updating each nodes function. When building a neural network a data set is necessary. I choose to work with the CIFAR-10 data set. CIFAR-10 contains 10,000 32x32 images of 10 different objects ( plane, car, bird , cat , deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck). After training on 9,000 of the images my neural net was able to identify the remaining 1,000 with 60% accuracy. This level of accuracy is certainly not phenomenal but it is very far from random guessing (10%). As I learn more about neural networks I hope to find ways to increase that accuracy.
Image result for neural network visualization hidden layers labeled


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